With a TTL of 58, for example, you can assume that the response packet was dispatched with an initial value of 63 and passed five network nodes on the way back. The TTL that you receive as output normally corresponds to the responding computer’s initial value minus the number of hops on the route. Should the TTL drop to 0, the data packet is rejected. The TTL is reduced by 1 by every network node that the data packet passes. Usually, implementations have an initial TTL of either 31, 63 or 127. The initial value amounts to a maximum of 255. The validity period specified as the TTL corresponds to a data packet’s elapsed time. The response time specifies how long a data packet requires to be sent to the target computer and back. Validity period for ICMP packets (time to live, TTL) (only with IPv4).The ping command delivers the following information as output: If there is no response from the router, it can be assumed that the computer is in fact available but is not automatically responding to the echo request due to its configuration. Normally in this case a router responds that either the network or the appropriate host is not available. If the addressed target computer doesn’t respond, ICMP provides a notification from the appropriate gateway. As a result, the unavailability of the target computer cannot be inferred from an unanswered ICMP request. In practice, this doesn’t always work, as many administrators, for security reasons, configure the computers they manage in such a way that ICMP packets are rejected without a response. In theory and in accordance with the protocol specification, computers that support ICMP and/or ICMPv6 must automatically respond to incoming echo requests with an ICMP echo reply. For computer networks using IPv6, ICMPv6 has a successor protocol that can be used for this purpose. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is a protocol that enables the exchange of information and error notifications within IPv4 networks. Enters IP addresses and domain name into the address pane, separate each other with a blank space, comma or semicolon, then clicks the Start Ping button to execute ping command.In order to verify a computer’s availability, ping sends in its default setting four ICMP echo request packets of 32 bytes each to the address assigned as a parameter. Ping multiple addresses/domainsĬolasoft Ping tool allows pinging multiple IP addresses and domain names at one time without upper limit of the addresses' number. The response time in the annotation will be a range of time when the mouse cursor puts on the grid, while it will be a time if the mouse cursor puts on the grid line. An annotation will automatically popup which contains the domain name and response time. The list display view is the display format of Colasoft, it lists TimeStamp(in second), Status, Bytes, Response Time and TTL.Ĭolasoft Ping tool will highlight the specific node and node border upon it.
#Google ping tool windows#
The classical display view is the same as the output of windows ping. Colasoft Ping Tool has two kinds of display types: classical and list. The Ping Detail window will displays the corresponding ping results when selecting an IP address or domain name in the ping. The Ping Detail window displays all the detailed information of ping execution. The Ping Summary window provides basic information such as IP address, locations, packets received/sent/lost, as well as response time of all required IP addresses or domain names. The X axes indicate the real ping time while the Y axes indicate the ping response time. It reveals every single ping command in a graphic way.
The Graphic window of Colasoft Ping Tool at the upper place is used to display the secular trend of ping time.
#Google ping tool pro#
Requirements: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10įREE EDITION DOWNLOAD PRO EDITION PURCHASEĭownload a free network analyzer to monitor, analyze and troubleshoot your network.Ĭolasoft Ping Tool displays the operation and the statistic results of ping with three windows.
Colasoft Capsa Network Analyzer) conveniently, including the resource IP addresses and destination IP addresses. Our users can not only view historical charts by saving them to *.bmp files, but also ping the IP addresses of captured packets in network analyzer (e.g. Colasoft Ping Tool supports ping multiple IP addresses simultaneously and list the comparative responding times in a graphic chart, which makes it outstanding other ping tools.